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Sustainable living practices: A path towards the SDGs


The project, titled “Sustainable Living Practices: A Path towards the SDGs,” addresses the environmental footprint of everyday life and aims to promote sustainable living practices in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It recognizes that achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) often seems too monumental for individuals to impact. Hence, the project introduces a more accessible approach through “Practices for Sustainable Living” (PSL), offering suggestions for gradual changes in daily habits, empowering citizens to initiate collective action, and emphasizing the importance of civic engagement.

Project Activities

  1. Environmental Report: The project initiated with a preliminary environmental report on the state of the environment in Bosnia and Herzegovina to identify relevant issues and challenges. A final version is set to be released by December 2023.
  2. Practice Design and Media Campaign: Fourteen sustainable living practices were developed, alongside a comprehensive media campaign conducted through social and public media platforms to raise awareness and promote these practices.
  3. Launch Event: A launch event was held at the Sarajevo City Council Hall, featuring presentations on the project and practices, discussions on the environment’s link to security and peace, and a workshop on indirect CO2 emissions. The event engaged students, civil society representatives, and young professionals.

The primary goal of the project is to encourage citizens in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region to adopt sustainable living practices as a means to contribute to a sustainable life in the country. It aims to raise awareness of individual actions’ impact, emphasizing the value of citizens’ voices in driving change and supporting their right to peaceful assembly.

Collaborations and Support

The project received support from various organizations and individuals, including the BHA UN, the Deputy Mayor of Sarajevo, and the Scientific Society “Vladimir Prelog.” Collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute was established, focusing on social justice within the green transition and youth involvement.

The project will continue its campaign and activities through panels, workshops, and educational festivals, demonstrating the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration. Future collaborations and investor support are anticipated, with gratitude for the initial support from HIA and NED.

This project strives to engage citizens in sustainable living practices, emphasizing that their everyday actions play a significant role in achieving the SDGs and addressing environmental challenges. Through ongoing awareness campaigns and strategic partnerships, it aims to inspire a collective movement toward a more sustainable and environmentally responsible future.

The launch event in the Sarajevo City Council Hall was held on Friday, October 6, and this event included the following:

  • Presentation of the project and Practice, and explanation of the practice
  • Address of representatives of KJKP “RAD” (Cantonal public utility company “RAD”) on waste sorting in Sarajevo Canton
  • Panel discussion on the topic “Why did the issue of the environment become an issue of security and peace?” with the following participants: Professor Sanjin Gutic, PhD, Professor Sanela Klarić, PhD, Belmin Zukan
  • Short workshop on indirect CO2 emissions.
    The participants were young people, students of public and private universities, high school seniors, representatives of civil society, and young professionals and activists. The panel was also attended by Master of Architecture students at the International Burch University through a zoom call, and at the end all participants had the opportunity to ask the panelists questions and offer their opinion, and during the break they also had the opportunity to meet and talk with the panelists and participants, exchange contacts, etc.

This project is supported by: