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Apply from Germany

Become a Fellow and learn about social justice challenges and opportunities.

You are a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow and want to apply for the Mapping Inequities Fellowship? Click here.

As a part of the year-long Fellowship, our Fellows first participate virtually or in person in an intensive three-week educational program providing a country and context-specific curriculum that examines historical and contemporary challenges to human rights, pluralism and equality. After the three weeks, they embark on developing civil society initiatives in their own communities (Action Projects).

The Fellowship comes with an ongoing training program to help Fellows implement their Action Projects, to continue collaborative learning and to keep in touch with their peers and the international Fellows’ community. These meetings will not exceed 2.5 hours.

The participation in our Fellowship programs is free of charge.

Ready to apply? Please use our Application Form.

Humanity in Action Senior Fellows applying for the Mapping Inequities Fellowship apply through this form.

2017 Berlin Fellows discussing after a contentious visit to the Bundestag

What We Offer

Our programs offer an opportunity to learn about the different nationally-relevant themes illuminated by diverse experts, site visits, individual presentations by the Fellows, and group discussions.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to look closely at the programs of previous years to get a sense of the daily rhythms and foci of the programs. While these programs are not designed to develop advocacy skills, it is our experience that the educational experience will provide the intellectual foundation through which future civic engagement can grow.

Programs Accepting Applicants from Germany

Apply now. Where? Here.

Please use our Application Form.

Humanity in Action Senior Fellows applying for the Mapping Inequities Fellowship apply through this form.

Fellowship & Application Resources

Become a Fellow

Every year, new Humanity in Action Fellows come together in six cities across Europe and the United States to study how and why people resist intolerance and protect democratic values.

01 Year duration

06 Cities

150 Fellows per year