Idi na sadržaj

Materiali za aplikaciju

Šta tražimo?

The application is considered complete and submitted when all requested documents and application responses have been received. Applications that are incomplete or missing documentation after February 10, 2019 will not be considered. Requirements of the application are:

  • A Personal Statement
  • An Essay
  • An Action Project idea
  • CV / Resume
  • University Transcript
  • Recommendations


February 10 – approx. February 28, 2019:
The selection process involves two phases. During the first phase, a panel of Humanity in Action staff, Board members, and Senior Fellows reads over all of the applications and selects a pool of finalists for further review by the national Humanity in Action’s Selection Committees.

March 1 – March 20, 2019:
During the second phase, the Selection Committees read and evaluate all finalists’ applications and conduct group interviews with finalists. All finalists will be interviewed by a small panel of the Selection Committee together with two or three other finalists.

End of March 2019:
The final selections are made based on this second reading and the interview.

Postanite Fellow

Svake godine novi Humanity in Action Fellowsi se okupljaju u šest gradova širom Europe i SAD-a kako bi učili kako i zašto se ljudi odupiru netoleranciji i štite demokratske vrijednosti.

01 Godina

06 Gradova

150 Fellowsa svake godine