From 2013 – 2015, Humanity in Action Bosnia & Herzegovina helped coordinate an intensive human rights and international justice program comprised of simulated court cases, trainings, workshops and discussions to foster inter-ethnic dialogue and regional cooperation.

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From Fall 2013 to Spring 2015, the Model International Criminal Court Western Balkans (MICC WeB) took place in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Mostar and Sarajevo), Croatia (Osijek and Zagreb), and Serbia (Novi Sad and Belgrade). The program was open to high school students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. MICC WeB aimed to empower young people to learn about human rights through an intensive program that included simulated court cases, trainings, workshops, and discussions.
Through its emphasis on group work, MICC WeB lays the foundation for inter-ethnic dialogue and regional cooperation, transforming the participants into agents of change in their communities.
“Model International Criminal Court” (MICC) was created by the Kreisau-Initiative, Berlin. The project has been implemented in Poland, in the Krzyzowa village, for more than 10 years. It originally began with participants from Germany and Poland, and now gathers participants from all over the world. MICC WeB was created and modelled after the MICC. MICC WeB replicates the successful project of the Kreisau-Initiative in a region that suffered conflict two decades ago and where the particularly sensitive subject of war crimes is not discussed in public, let alone in schools. The Kreisau-Initiative supported the initiative and the creation of MICC WeB.