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Break the Vicious Circle project

Do you want to make history? Delve into the past and discover forgotten heroes and heroines of everyday life? Are you interested in how history can influence the present? We have good news!

Together with Humanity in Action Germany from January 2021 to March 2022 we are implementing the “Break the Vicious Circle” project. It aims to deepen the knowledge of high school students about National Socialism, World War II and the Holocaust, as well as to provoke a reflection on the historical conditions that led to the Shoah, based on the concept of multiple stages leading to genocide by Prof. G. Stanton.

Why is this important? We want to restore the memory of those forgotten or lesser known individuals who did not remain indifferent and helped others through their courageous actions during World War II.

As part of the project, we will develop a first-of-its-kind educational mobile application that will feature the 11 stages of genocide through the biographies of the individuals whom we have found through the “Superheroes and Superheroines Wanted!” contest thanks to the engagement of young people on social media.

For more information on the project, please contact Larysa Michalska: l.michalska(at)

and visit:

Read about our Director and President, Monika Mazur-Rafał, presenting at the “Microhistories Of The Holocaust And Its European Character” conference about the “Break the Vicious Circle” project.

The project is funded by the EVZ Foundation and the Federal Foreign Office as part of the program YOUNG PEOPLE remember
