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Our Model

Educating, connecting and inspiring emerging and established activists, leaders and advocates since 2005.

Change will not happen by itself. We work with people and for people. Our idea for action combines the transfer of knowledge about contemporary challenges in the field of human rights with historical education – it can be summarized in three words: inspiration, education and action.


We inspire civic engagement for advancing social equity, responsibility and justice.


We educate tomorrow’s leaders on past and present human rights challenges through critical historical as well as contemporary inquiries and cross-cultural dialogue.


We connect an ever-growing national and international community to stand up for democracy, human rights and pluralism.

Seeing beyond the realities our tribes want us to see

Inspiration, education and action are the main directions of our initiatives. Their common denominator is activating young people to get active for human rights and to take social change in their own hands. One of our priorities is to mobilize young activists and leaders to counteract hate speech and respond to existing manifestations of “hate” on the Internet or in public spaces. Our experience shows that our model works well both in local activism and in contributing to long-term broader systemic change.

Humanity in Action Poland engages younger generations in histories of social injustices to inspire them to co-create a socially just present. Our mission is to strengthen the commitment of emerging Polish leaders to democratic values by fostering their knowledge of resistance to intolerance—past and present—in the early states of their careers and civic engagement.

Through our work:

  • We affirm the importance of strengthening democratic values.
  • We foster environments in which individuals of diverse backgrounds and identities can engage openly and respectfully with contentious and challenging ideas and each other.
  • We support a vision of pluralistic societies that embrace differences and negotiate their boundaries through constructive political, social and personal dialogue and relationships.
  • We build a multinational, intergenerational community of emerging and established leaders who share the Humanity in Action values.

We believe that an important test of a genuine democracy is how it advances social equity and pluralism. We strengthen the commitment of our community to democratic values and foster their knowledge around past and present human rights challenges.