Featured Senior Fellows
Meet the people behind the scenes, making a difference where it counts.
All Featured Senior Fellows
Saim Saeed
Living on the borders of Pakistani and Indian identity, Senior Fellow Saim Saeed grew up grappling with issues of identity, prejudice, and the power of belonging. He hopes to use his journalism to help educate the world to be more accepting and imagine a future in which atrocities of the past are never repeated.
Sophia Blijden
Senior Fellow Sophia Blijden gebruikt haar eigen ervaring met het opgroeien in Nederland als een gekleurde vrouw om vrouwen met verschillende achtergronden te ondersteunen bij het vinden van hun eigen stem.
Marissa Sophia Schneiderman
Marissa Sophia Schneiderman is a writer, artist, oral historian, and radio producer living in Maine.
Mary Consolata Namagambe
Mary Consolata Namagambe, founder of She for She, works to empower girls and women to take control of their menstrual health and education.
Javier Muñoz
Senior Fellow Javier Muñoz has experienced first hand the adversities that come with educational inequality and uses radical education as a tool to spark change in order to build a more just world for our youth.
Elma Oručević
Senior Fellow Elma Oručevic’s life as a young refugee molded her into becoming a voice for those who are underrepresented and being an agent of change against discrimination, inequality, and exclusion.
Jamal Grant
Senior Fellow Jamal Grant is passionate about STEM. As a mechanical and aerospace systems engineer, he created his own non-profit that serves underrepresented minorities with mentorship, programing and future access to resources. Now he is adding public policy to his expertise.
Zaakir Tameez
Senior Fellow Zaakir Tameez makes student activists' voices heard. From lobbing for the creation and co-chairing the Governor’s Task Force on Millennial Civic Engagement after "The Unite the Right" demonstration to his Action Project he places pluralism and inclusion at the top of his agenda.