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Humanity in Action BiH has partnered up with the Academy for Women to implement a project on “Strengthening Women’s Engagement in Political and EU Integration Processes in BiH”, funded by the European Union in BiH.

Photo credits: EU BiH

Project Activities

The project aims to engage newly elected female local councillors in drafting a policy paper related to their work in local government and connections they intend to implement within the EU integration agenda at local levels. The program participants will be able to engage in a discussion with leading experts on BiH’s European integration processes, and they will learn more about what EU reforms entail, the ways local governments can adapt to those changes, and their own roles in the process.

Photo credits: EU BiH

The Focus

The conference containing two modules will provide training on EU related topics with special attention given to:

  • gender equality – through the contextualization of the contribution of local Gender Action Plans,
  • gender-sensitive process of drafting and analyzing municipal budgets – to show how the distribution of money in local budgets can be concretely influenced.

The conference is also an opportunity for a constructive discussion on concrete opportunities for further engagement of councilors, and during the workshops, through group work, recommendations will be made on how to make municipal budgets gender responsive, with a view to integrating EU equality into local government. At the end of the project, a final event will be organized to promote the project objectives and present the results achieved through a policy document, with emphasis on recommendations and further activities at the local level in the light of BiH’s European integration.

Download the Publication

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