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How to Fix Democracy with Julian Zugazagoitia






Since its origins, democracy has been a work in progress. Today, many question its resilience. The Bertelsmann Foundation and Humanity in Action have teamed up with Andrew Keen, author of How to Fix the Future, to launch How to Fix Democracy: a video and podcast series exploring practical responses to the threats facing democracies around the world. Host Andrew Keen interviews prominent thinkers, writers, politicians, technologists, and business leaders who enlighten and challenge us as we seek the answers to How to Fix Democracy.

In this episode, Andrew Keen visits the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City, Missouri to discuss the role of museums and art in democracy and citizenship. Museum director Julián Zugazagoitia explains the importance of art in understanding history and culture. He describes as well as some of the actions the Nelson-Atkins Museum takes to initiate civic revitalization. This includes educational programs for new citizens and naturalization ceremonies.

Follow the interviews to hear the thoughts of many Humanity in Action Senior Fellows to be featured.

This series was made possible thanks to the support and partnership with:

Bertelsmann Foundation, North America