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Senior Fellows Eline Peters and Nejra Kalkan Join the Board of Humanity in Action Netherlands



With great pleasure and pride we announce that the board of Humanity in Action Netherlands has been expanded with two Senior Fellows. With effect from the 1st of February 2020, Eline Peters and Nejra Kalkan will join the board of Humanity in Action Netherlands as general board members.

Eline works as a Senior Campaigner and Head of Operations at ‘DeGoedeZaak’. She has a great deal of experience with setting up and implementing action projects and campaigns on topics similar to which Humanity in Action Netherlands is committed to. It is with this expertise that she will be able to generate new opportunities and increase the impact of Humanity in Action Netherlands. In addition, Eline will be the first point of call within the board for her relationship with the Senior Fellow Network.

Eline: “I encounter Senior Fellows of Humanity in Action in a wide variety of fields that are related to human rights and justice issues. I believe that the Fellowship Program and especially the corresponding network are of great value and I look forward to strengthening this network.”

Nejra is the secretary of ‘Commissie Meijers’, an independent committee of experts in international immigration law. Nejra will strengthen Humanity in Action Netherlands’ network in academia and in particular in the field of human rights. A sufficient scientific basis is the starting point for all of our programs. After the summer, Nejra will also take over the Secretary role of Corinne Arnold.

Nejra: “If you see what arbitrariness and lawlessness can lead to, then you realize how fragile and important our freedoms and rights are, and that we are obligated to continue to safeguard them.”

The board is currently looking for a new treasurer. More information can be found here.