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We are proud of our accomplishments and are grateful to all those who make our activities possible.

Humanity in Action The Netherlands annually publishes an annual report as well as accompanying financial statements to provide insight into our activities and finances.

Financial operations

  • The Executive Director is responsible for the day-to-day financial administration and accounting of the organization.
  • The treasurer oversees the finances. Clear agreements on the expenditure policy have been laid down in the financial policy. The Executive Director and treasurer maintain regular contact regarding the financial situation. At least three times a year the budget and realization of costs, including forecasts, are discussed.
  • Payments in excess of Euro 5,000 must be approved by the director and treasurer. 
  • Accounting support is provided by an external bookkeeper, Agaath Administraties. All administrative documents are scanned internally by Humanity in Action The Netherlands and processed by Agaath Administraties in Visma. The bank mutations are read into the same program. All payments are linked to the document they relate to. In this way each payment can be traced back to a unique item in the accounts. The internally processed accounts are then checked and, if necessary, corrected by an external accounting firm. The accounts can be viewed online by the board at any time.
  • The financial statements are prepared by Agaath Administraties. Since 2019, the financial statements are accompanied with a composition statement by accounting firm Stolp+KAB Adviseurs en Accountants B.V.

Please scroll down to learn more about Humanity in Action The Netherlands’ recent work over the years.