For the 15th award of the German Journalist Prize, the jury has nominated 40 articles from eight different topics written by the total of 86 authors.
Amongst the selected articles, Senior Fellow Lena Kampf and 12 other authors have been nominated for their piece titled “The Man Who Crashed Wirecard” (“Der Mann, de Wirecard Stürzte” in German).
Published by Süddeutsche Zeitung in May of 2021, the piece unfolds the collapse of Wirecard, the biggest economic scandal in German’s history. Throughout the article, the authors focus on the two men at the center of this fraud, former Wirecard CEO Markus Braun and chief operating officer Jan Marsalek.
For more information on the Wirecard case, you can read the full article on the Süddeutsche Zeitung website. You can also learn more on this year’s German Journalist Prize in this article entitled “Das sing die 40 Nominierten für den Deutschen Journalistenpreis” and published by Meedia.