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Landecker Fellow Reshma Persaud Partners with Turning Point NY and Safe Horizon to Deliver Supplies



Landecker Democracy Fellow Reshma Persaud recently wrote two social media posts in which she talks about partnering with Turning Point NY to deliver food and school supplies as well as with Safe Horizon to deliver feminine hygiene products. In her first post, Reshma shares how happy it made her to see kids’ smiles after delivering food and school supplies. In the second post, Reshma discusses the recent law which many states have passed on mandating schools to provide period products for students. She writes: “Volunteer work or research improve access and equity for all – especially our survivors of gender-based violence.”

Reshma is one of thirty Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.