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HIA Junior 2020 Speak Truth to Power!



Climate change, racism, inequality and the societal impacts of COVID-19 affect us all, but can you do something about it? The answer is YES!

From Black Lives Matter to climate protests: youngsters let their voices be heard more and more often. It does not stop there. They amongst others take action in the form of petitions and campaigns. Through image and technology they express themselves on current issues and thereby impact society.

Are you between 14 and 18 years old and interested in current societal themes?Would you like to learn how you can make an impact? Sign up now for HIA Junior 2020 Speak Truth to Power!

During the autumn break, we will organize a couple of unique workshops in which you can learn how you can make a difference (online). Would you like to know how to create a successful (online) petition? Or how to organize a protest? Would you like to learn how to create awareness for the issues in your environment through Instagram? Or do you want to make an impact in other creative ways? Sign up now for one of our workshops!

For whom? Youngsters between 14 and 18 years old
When? October 21st and 22nd, 2020
Time? 10:00-12:30
Where? Online
Price? Free!*

You can sign up until October 20th, 2020 by filling in this form.

Would you like to get an impression of the HIA Junior program? Last year, the Junior Fellows were concerned with the theme Climate, Sustainability, and Human Rights. Click here to learn more about HIA Junior 2019.

*We ask financially comfortable parents for a voluntary contribution to ensure that HIA Junior remains accessible for every child.