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Social Justice in Public Health and Healthcare

Humanity in Action Fall International Conference

More than 100 Fellows, Senior Fellows, Board members, supporters and friends of the organization came together in New York City to discover and discuss some of the human rights challenges in healthcare.

This conference took place from October 19 to 20, 2018 in New York City. The Humanity in Action community convened to explore the current status of the United States Healthcare system, its potential and the pitfalls in between. As such a wide topic with equally as wide an impact on our lives, this conference delved into three main categories of focus: social determinants of health, disadvantaged populations, and health insurance reform.


“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.”


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Chicago, IL, March 25, 1966 (Statement to the second convention of the Medical Committee for Human Rights)


Recent efforts in the United States to roll back the Affordable Care Act are part of a longer history in both the United States and Europe of political and social schemes to prevent human beings from purchasing vital medications, affording a doctor’s visit or signing up for insurance because of their race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and immigration status.

The conference was generously hosted by The New School for the sixth year. Lead by Senior Fellow and Board Member Amish Dave (2006 Berlin Fellowship), a dedicated team of Senior Fellows who work in healthcare curated and almost entirely organized this extraordinary event.

Conference Programming included:

See the Full Conference Schedule

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Impressions from the Conference

  • Senior Fellow Iris Najjar gives an overview of various European healthcare systems
  • Senior Fellow Sadhvi Bartra speaks on women's reproductive rights, restrictions and access in the US South
  • Opening keynote speaker Doris Chang discusses mental health and the role of racial minorities being represented in the field
  • Senior Fellows present on the rising cost of healthcare

Humanity in Action thanks The New School for its support of the 2018 Fall International Conference.

Humanity in Action also thanks the many individuals who make the Fall International Conference possible through their contributions and volunteer support.

The New School