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Recent political, social and economic developments in the United States and Europe – so driven by xenophobic, nationalist and extremist rhetoric – have underscored the pressing need to support democratic values and respect for pluralistic societies. As a community, we sought to respond by developing innovative solutions and collaborative models for civic action.

Our 2017 Senior Fellow Grants Competition “The Urgency of Now” invited project proposals that addressed political apathy, right-wing nationalism and societal divisions in the United States and Europe.

This competition placed special emphasis on social media campaigns, with a focus on building mechanisms for constructive communication within parts of European and American societies divided along political, geographic, economic and cultural lines.

Eight proposals received up to $5,000 to complete their projects. Please click on each project below to watch the video and learn about these incredible Senior Fellow-lead projects.

This grant competition was made possible by generous funding from the The Germeshausen Foundation and a private donor close to the organization.

Germeshausen Foundation