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Pat Cox Fellowship

In the past years, we supported our Fellows and Senior Fellows in gaining professional experience in the European Parliament and Brussels-based NGOs.

About the Fellowship

Fellows in this program participated in substantial, policy-based and administrative work in the office of a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) or a Brussels-based NGO four days a week. Fellows also spent one day a week attending a curated selection of seminars, lectures and site visits led by leading policy experts and practitioners who will introduce them to a variety of topics concerning contemporary politics in Europe. These lectures and site visits also helped Fellows expand their professional networks and build important workplace skills.

Pat Cox -Humanity in Action Fellows

Pat Cox Fellows

The program was founded in 2005 and has helped nearly 100 young people gain invaluable work experience at the European Parliament or with a Brussels-based NGO.

The 2019 Fellowship ran from February 1 to April 26, 2019. Pat Cox Fellows worked with the following offices and organizations:

  • Pat Cox and Senior Fellow
  • 2012 Pat Cox Fellowship Opening Ceremony
  • Pat Cox Fellows
  • 2015 Pat Cox-Humanity in Action Fellows

Download the Fellowship Bluebooks

This Fellowship is made possible with the generous supported from: