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This workshop was designed to help evaluate the general knowledge about Roma populations in Europe today, provide participants with knowledge on the history and cultures of Roma populations across Europe and to address the diversity of contemporary issues faced by Roma populations across Europe as well as the divide between the cultural approaches and the social and humanitarian approaches developed to respond to these issues.

Seventeen participants from all across Europe joined in Lyon, France from February 27 – March 6, 2011 for the program. The participants reflected on their knowledge before and after the workshop and developed an educational tool designed to help European Civil Society gain knowledge on Roma populations, and fight prejudices leading to discrimination and exclusion all over the European Union – beyond the countries included in the Decade for Roma Inclusion.

Humanity in Action France hosted the workshop.

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Our Supporters

The project "Five years into the Decade for Roma Inclusion, what do Europeans know about their Roma minorities?" was made possible by the generous support of the European Union's Lifelong Learning Program.

European Union Lifelong Learning Programme

the EU Lifelong Learning Program