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Aydan Özoğuz


Aydan Özoğuz was a speaker in the 2018 Berlin Fellowship Program. She is member of the German Bundestag and member of the committees for foreign affairs as well as human rights and humanitarian aid. She has been the Minister of State and Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees, and Integration in Germany from December 2013 until March 2018. Özoğuz has served as the deputy-chair of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) from 2011 until 2017. She was first elected as a member of the German Bundestag in 2009, having become a member of the SPD in 2004. From 2001 to 2008, she was a member of the Hamburg state parliament. Özoğuz has remained a research associate at the Körber-Foundation in Hamburg since 1994 (albeit not actively since 2009, after having been elected to the German Bundestag). She received a Magistra Atrium for her studies in Spanish language and literature, English studies, and human resources management.

(Updated May 2018)