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Duygu Cakir


Duygu graduated with a MA in Middle East Studies from University of Southern Denmark in 2016. She further holds a BA in International Business Communication with American Studies from Copenhagen Business School. Duygu has lived in Istanbul in 2014, interning for an English-Turkish newspaper where she wrote about minority issues in Turkey. During her studies, Duygu has extendedly travelled in the Middle East, attending different programs, focusing on democracy and dialogue across cultures. In Denmark, Duygu has worked on different integration projects, mainly concerning antidiscrimination, minority rights and projects on dialogue across multi faiths and cultures. Among others, she has facilitated workshops for high school students on antiracism. In her free time Duygu also freelances and writes about Turkish politics and identity politics, mainly focusing on Muslim women. She has also written columns on the integration debate in Denmark. Duygu is a 2015 Humanity in Action Senior Fellow.


Updated January 2017