Gerrit Reininghaus is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow from 2006. He is active in analogue game design and is using games as empowerment tools. Gerrit holds a Master in Mathematics and Philosophy and a Master in Public Administration / Policy. He has worked for several years in international management consultancy in the financial services industry, was CEO of a software cooperative and has spent the last years with his family in rural Guatemala. He is a board member of the Archive of Youth Culture and of the local Social Democratic Party division in Bonn. His games have been published in the Gauntlet Codex magazine, for RollInclusive or can be found for free on his homepage
Updated October 2019
More from Gerrit Reininghaus
Gerrit Reininghaus founds a community housing project “SieMensch”
Gerrit Reininghaus, a 2006 Berlin Senior Fellow, has co-founded a community housing project called SieMensch in Bonn-Dransdorf. The project is designed to house five families and is currently housing fourteen people between the ages of two and fifty-five. They live together based on solidarity, sustainability and personal well-being.
Humanity in Action Announces More Recipients of 2019 Grant Competition
Humanity in Action is pleased to share the final 4 of the 11 projects that will receive a grant for the "Addressing Antisemitism" campaign.