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Joey Stofberg


Joey Stofberg is an interdisciplinary researcher and prospective academic whose work straddles the intersection of (new) media, technology, and society. Informed by queer, decolonial, and intersectional critiques, Joey’s work reflects a desire to tackle structures of marginalization and inequality and draws inspiration from their positionality as a multiracial queer person from Purmerend, the Netherlands. In 2021, Joey graduated with a Master of Arts by Research degree in International Relations (cum laude) from the University of Groningen, with a thesis on new possibilities for LGBTQ+ self-advocacy offered by social media since the mid-2010s. Joey completed research internships at the National Museum of World Cultures in Leiden and the Meertens Institute in Amsterdam, focused on decolonizing museum representations and computational linguistics respectively. In 2019, Joey obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in History (cum laude) from the University of Amsterdam, being awarded the Skriptieprijs 2019 for a thesis on early Dutch telephony.


Updated May 2022