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Larysa Michalska


Larysa is a Silesian woman with a strong focus on diversity and multiculturalism. Due to the need to expand her knowledge in these areas and her will to educate others, she became involved in the civil society sector. In 2013, she co-founded the Max Kopfstein Association and has completed over a dozen projects. Larysa also collaborated with several Polish and international non-governmental organizations operating in the culture and education sectors.

In her activist work, Larysa focuses on identity, Jewish history and culture, cultural heritage, the complexity of history, and difficult memory. She has completed many training courses in communication, multicultural education, Holocaust education, as well as museum education. She has also completed the basic training of dialogue facilitators organized by the Nansen Center for Peace and Dialogue.

Larysa loves to work in a diverse, multicultural environment – she has been coordinating an international internship and volunteering program for several years. She is a graduate of religious studies and Jewish studies at the Jagiellonian University and a participant of the Academy of Anti-Discrimination Education. She also collaborated scientifically with the University of Gdańsk. Larysa has an interdisciplinary approach to activism, which is why she is developing knowledge and competencies in social change management.