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Laura Batalla Adam


“We can facilitate the debate around EU-Turkey relations and help to inform both the media and academics alike”

Updated May 2019: Laura Batalla Adam is the Secretary General of the European Parliament Turkey Forum, a cross-party, non-partisan platform composed of sixty members of the European Parliament which promotes high-level discussions between European and Turkish officials, decision-makers, civil society and business actors. The aim of the forum is to advance a well-informed debate on issues related to EU-Turkey relations while serving as a bridge between Turkey and the EU. Ms. Batalla is a political analyst and commentator specializing in European affairs and EU-Turkey relations. She has published policy and research papers for renowned think tanks, specialized publications and academic journals, as well as opinion pieces for European and Turkish newspapers. Ms. Batalla is a member of the EU-Middle East Forum at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) and the Turkey Europe Future Forum, a project of the Mercator Program Center for International Affairs (MPC) in cooperation with TÜSIAD, as well as a recipient of the prestigious Marshall Memorial Fellowship, the flagship leadership development program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Laura Batalla Adam speaking
Laura Batalla Adam speaking