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Lisa Nussy


Lisa is born and raised in Castricum, the Netherlands. She studied Public Administration & Organization Sciences at Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam, went abroad for a semester in Istanbul, and took two years in between studies to work and travel solo throughout Central America. Two years ago she started the Master Culture, Organization & Management program at VU again, and went to Central Java, Indonesia, for her master’s research on Ecofeminism in the Batik industry. She has volunteered for Amnesty International for several years and has a passion for activism against racism and for gender equality. Recently she started volunteering for Bij1, a newly found political party which stands for radical equality and economic justice. Bij1 is lead by Sylvana Simons, a black woman and inspiration to Lisa. She also joined the Decolonization Network Former Dutch-Indies and has learned a lot about her own Javanese-Moluccan roots and how to decolonize the world.


Updated May 2019