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Magdalini Alexandropoulou


Born and raised in Athens, Magdalini Alexandropoulou is a political scientist with a major in Childhood Studies and Children’s Rights. Her Master thesis investigated “Key issues concerning age assessment of the unaccompanied asylum seeking children in Greece and Germany.” So far she lived in London, Madrid, Cairo and Berlin, where she has been volunteering and working in the human and children’s rights sector. Magdalini seeks to address Human and Children’s Rights Education as an imperative tool towards the strengthening of existing educational and human rights approaches, while addressing socio-economic, cultural and political issues in the current society. Currently, she works as a Junior Facilitator in the ROMED 2 “Democratic Governance and Roma Community Participation through Mediation” of the Council of Europe and she further plans to pursue a Ph.D in children’s participation on asylum procedures and further policies that affect them.