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Marci Rosińska


Marcelina Rosińska finished her Master’s Degree in Law at Adam Mickiewicz University. Her master’s thesis is about the impact of the refugee crisis on the European Union. As an erasmus+ scholar she had a chance to study at the Catholic University of Valencia, Aristotle Univerity of Thessalonik,i and University of Lisbon. Moreover, she gained her working experience in Spain while interning in the legal department of Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad, in Kazakhstan during Astana Expo 2017 and at Adamastor organization in Portuga (EVS). Thanks to that she speaks Spanish, English, Portuguese, Russian, and, of course, Polish. She has been actively contributing to the organization of vast conferences, workshops, and open lectures. Moreover, she is a Project Manager of Prawo warte Poznania- a project aiming at raising legal awareness of citizens.

In 2021 Marcelina was recognized for the Mental Health Buddies Network, which is a grass-roots project formed from an Action Project of Humanity in Action Fellowship.


Updated April 2021