After completing arather eccentric collection of three master titles in 2012, Marta started her work as a research fellow and doctoral candidate at the Institute of Sociology, Free University Berlin, to top her M.A., M.A., M.A, with a Ph.D. Her current research focuses on the meanings and application of the concept of solidarity in party manifestos on example of the post-war federal elections in Germany.She currently chairs the European Senior FellowNetwork, and stays active in both Polish and German Senior Fellow Networks. From 2015 to 2018, she was a board member of Humanity in Action Germany. She interned with Humanity in Action in 2011 (core program in Warsaw and conference in Berlin) and co-organized the 2009 Senior Fellows Reunion. Marta is also engaged in the Humanity in Action informal group developing and disseminating simulation games. She likes a good book, a good laugh, and a good discussion.
Updated December 2018