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Supporters & Partners

We believe in collaboration. Our work is based on partnership and we count on the support of numerous renown institutions and people.

Current Supporters

We are grateful for the generous support and trust from the following institution that helps us in making our vision a reality:

Foundation EVZ

We are proud to partner with the Alfred Landecker Foundation on the Alfred Landecker Democracy Fellowship and thank the Foundation for its trust and generous support.

Alfred Landecker Foundation

We thank the following institutions for their generous support in recent years:

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway Grants

Fundacja Batorego

Polska Fundajca Dzieci I Młodzieży

Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Erste Stiftung

Germeshausen Foundation


The Hurford Foundation


Robert Bosch Stiftung

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, Office of Citizen Exchanges

U.S. Embassy to Warsaw



Humanity in Action beyond Poland

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