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Nikolaos Vrantsis



Nikos Vrantsis is currently a PhD candidate in Human Geography, affiliated with the Institute of Housing and Urban Research in Uppsala. His field research is focused on the links between the emergence of vigilante groups and the socio-spatial reshufflings on the backdrop of the transformations of the Greek property and labor regime. Nikos has a background in Political Science and holds a master’s degree in Political Theory. Nikos has been working as a freelance journalist reporting on topics related to land grabs, the production of marginalization and urban housing movements. He has been an assistant researcher in projects concerning affordable housing in Greek cities. He is a member of HARTA (Housing Affordability in Real Terms Act) for the decommodification and democratic management of housing in small municipalities in Greece.

Learn more about Niko’s Landecker Democracy Fellowship project here and you can find his personal blog here.

In 2022, Nikos received a travel and research grant within the Untold Stories | Places of Memory project. He authored the video Silencing a Jewish Past.

Silencing a Jewish Past

Click here or on the picture to see the full video.

Updated October 2022