Patrick Wielowiejski, born to a German mother and a Polish father in 1989, is currently a research assistant in the department of European Ethnology at Humboldt University Berlin and academic coordinator of the DFG Research Unit “Law – Gender – Collectivity: The Contested Universal and the New Common”. He recently defended his doctoral thesis titled “Rechtspopulismus und Homosexualität: Eine Ethnografie der Feindschaft” (“Right-Wing Populism and Homosexuality: An Ethnography of Enmity”), which was based on two years of ethnographic fieldwork within the German far-right party “Alternative für Deutschland”.
In his new research project, Patrick focuses on practices and narratives of the Polish opposition leading up to the parliamentary elections in the fall of 2023, with a particular focus on the role of law in mobilizations against the far-right government.
Updated October 2024