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Stamatis Psaroudakis


Stamatis holds an International and European Affairs BA degree from the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Greece. He has attended human rights trainings in more than 10 European countries. As an active citizen, he for three years directed an informal human rights youth group in Thessaloniki which challenged social injustices through street theatrical acts and workshops. Stamatis has offered his volunteering services in Croatia and Poland in different realms ranging from working on permaculture to providing workshops to children and teenagers. His work mostly includes intersectional LGBTQIA+ equality, raising environmental awareness, and combating xenophobia. Stamatis was invited to join the EU Young Citizens Dialogue as a rapporteur on the Fighting Climate Change panel and was among the 100 young eco-activists to attend the UN Climate Summit in NYC in 2019. Stamatis is currently pursuing a MA in Human Rights and Democracy in South-East Europe from the University of Sarajevo and University of Bologna.

Updated January 2022