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Swaan van Iterson


Swaan van Iterson is currently enrolled in an MA program on Conflict Resolution and Governance. Between her BA and her MA, she worked for the International Department of the Anne Frank House, coordinating educational programs on human rights and minority issues in Eastern Europe. She also worked for other organizations such as the European Press Prize and the International Association for Intercultural Education. Both in her studies and in her work, Swaan worked extensively on radicalization. Based on her thesis, she made a documentary film about the identification of students in Hungary with the far right Jobbik party ( She published various articles on nationalism, identity and youth in Eastern Europe and is a member of the Radicalisation Awareness Network, an EU-wide umbrella network of practitioners and social scientists working with (violent) radicalization. Swaan always tries to link research and practice and make knowledge accessible to a broader public.


Updated November 2015