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Uejanaua Tjihumino


Born in London and raised in Namibia to two exiled parents from the colonial fight of Namibia, Uejanaua Tjihumino has always believed in the importance of community, particularly for groups that are often underrepresented; driven by an intrinsic sense of responsibility to carry on the post-colonial work put forward by her parents. Uejanaua holds an LL.B in International and European law and is completing her LL.M in International human rights law from the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. As a human rights lawyer and activist, Uejanaua believes that law grants the opportunity to impact society. She hopes to effectuate change to transform how policy affects marginalized communities while also recognizing the work that community building can achieve. With her involvement in the Humanity in Action program, she strives to establish a network that will directly benefit womxn by making career opportunities readily accessible, lessening the impact of structural racism.