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Veronika Wesolowski


Veronika Wesolowski is German-Polish and 23-year old student on her way to become an activist in the field of women rights and related politics. She is a part of the Queer-Community and interested in exchanging of ideas and learning from alternative perspectives. She also participates in collaborative theatre projects and aims at challenging her creative mind.

Veronika studies the General and Comparative Literature and Spanish Philology. Currently, she is working on raising awareness in the mediation of language for international students with the GWS Project at her job as a student assistant at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum. Transcription of study-lectures is her main contribution in this project.

She spends her time by studying, reading or playing the piano. Of course she misses travelling and connecting to people, but there is always something nice to do that develops our personalities.


Updated April 2021.