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Vlasios Benetos


Vlasios Benetos is completing a MA in Intercultural Communication and European Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Fulda. Vlasios who was born in Athens, speaks 7 foreign languages. In 2013 he did a European Voluntary Service in Stuttgart, Germany. He is an active member of a student initiative for refugees called “ICEUS for Refugees”. On March 2015 he did organized with other students a research educational trip in Israel and Palestine. On June 2015 he organized with a colleague from the USA a Panel discussion with the topic “ Migration Policies within the European Union and its current challenges. On October 2015 he took part in the Athens Study Trip of HIA, “Human Rights, Diversity and Civic Engagement”. On March 2016 he organized another research educational trip in Greece. From May 2016 starts to work for accompanied refugee minors at Christiche Jugenddorfwerk Deutschlands (CJD) in Hanau, Hessen.


Updated May 2019