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Digital.Truth develops a workshop format, which provides adults, particularly teachers and parents, knowledge and competences to address and counter disinformation as well as conspiracy theories online. Digital.Truth strengthens their media literacy and sensitizes them to disinformation and conspiracy related risks for societies, democracies, and their personal lives.

The target group recognizes patterns of conspiracy theory narratives and underlying networks nurturing and benefiting from disinformation and distrust in our governance systems, in an effort to systematically dismantle our democracies and free societies. It empowers the target group to raise their voice on the internet and be part of a virulent digital (civil) society.

Notably, 20 youth and young adults between 17-29 years are being developed as trainers for the workshops. The workshops also offer space for a transgenerational exchange between participants and the trainers.

The project has a transgenerational approach.

The young trainers will facilitate 50 workshops all across Germany, face-to-face, but also in a digital format to reach around 1,000 participants.

Project Development

Click on the image to visit Digital.Truth’s website!

In September 2023, Nicole and her team launched the project’s new website. There, anyone can request a workshop, find more information, or download relevant toolkits. The website is in German.

Nicole is further developing a social media campaign, more open workshops, a podcast series, and much more!

Importantly, Nicole and the Berghof Foundation secured additional project funding by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, allowing the project to continue into 2024.

In 2024, the team produced a new podcast series dedicated to the topic. The episodes are now available in German on Spotify!


Updated February 2024

Further Resources