In the New Generation Voices series, the Bertelsmann Foundation in partnership with Humanity in Action Germany has created a collection of digital animations portraying how young Germans and Americans see common global challenges and how the future can be shaped best by working together.
Some 30 years ago, the digital revolution sparked the hope for a better, more just and more creative world. However, repression, surveillance and disinformation have made innovation a threat rather than a promise for access to a better world.
This and more is being explored in the third animation titled Digital Revolution and narrated by Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Arne Semsrott. As the video showcases, in order to preserve the idea of a free and decentralized internet, we need the next digital revolution to be open and available to all people of diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds.
This animation is part of the Wunderbar Together 2021 initiative that aims to promote the importance of robust German-American relations. Wunderbar Together 2021 is a comprehensive and collaborative initiative funded by the German Federal Foreign Office and implemented by the Goethe-Institut.