Senior Fellow Lena Kampf together with Svea Eckert researched and co-wrote an article about Facebook’s (insufficient) measures to stop Russian disinformation. The article has been picked up by multiple German news outlets including Nachrichten De and Tagesschau.
According to data evaluated by for example Süddeutsche Zeitung, Facebook “does not fight against Russian disinformation,” the article explains, uncovering multiple instances where disinformation was shared without Facebook taking any action.
The Facebook page of the Russian embassy in Germany is one of the accounts that spread disinformation relatively undisturbed, Lena and Svea point out, adding that “since the beginning of the war, the reach has also been growing for other relevant pages.”
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen further identifies a more fundamental problem, explaining that “algorithms give the most extreme positions the greatest reach.”
For more information about Facebook’s measures in this regard, read the article (in German) on either the Nachrichten De or the Tagesschau page.