Thanks to the HIA Racial Equity Grant, the California Law Review co-hosted a conversation on mental health, AAPI identity, and how to process, grieve, and engage after collective racial trauma in Spring 2021. The conversation touched on questions such as: How do you engage with and/or protect yourself from social media that might amplify instances of racialized violence? What are the cultural expectations that might exacerbate existing trauma? How does our campus culture add to the layers of complexity we face in having these conversations? Alyssa Panyawai, a licensed clinical social worker at UC Berkeley, joined to help facilitate the conversation and to offer helpful mental health resources. You can learn more about the California Law Review at or via Twitter or Instagram.
Samson, a recipient of the Racial Equity Grant, is the 109th Editor-in-Chief of the California Law Review. With the Humanity in Action Racial Equity Grant, his project focuses on law and the need for more diverse perspectives in the legal field. This project aims to encourage the staff and readers of the California Law Review to examine their own roles in law and to further conversations on how to drive change through law or other creative methods. Through the grant, CLR has expanded event programming and continued publishing blog series that uplift critical perspectives and voices. Samson has been working on diversifying the scholarship in the field will lead to more widespread “human-centered lawyering.”