For the fourth time, Humanity in Action is conducting its renowned activist masterclass program for activists from the EU, UK, Ukraine, and the USA. The main theme of this year’s program is the politics of memory.
What makes the HIA Democracy Fellowship unique?
The HIA Democracy Fellowship supports community leaders and young professionals—from various fields including politics, business, art, NGOs, and academia—in addressing systemic inequalities through innovative grassroots projects. Sixteen HIA Democracy Fellows will participate in an intensive year-long program where, under the guidance of experts, they will enhance their skills, expand their knowledge, and inspire each other within Humanity in Action’s international activist network. The fellows will also receive substantial financial support in the form of an annual stipend of €10,000 and €5,000 dedicated to their project implementation.
Among this year’s Democracy Fellows are three individuals from Poland. Meet them!
- Inga Hajdarowicz:
Inga is a sociologist and activist focused on participatory democracy, civic engagement, feminism, and migration. She is a member of a coordinating group of Researches on the Border, which documents and studies the ongoing humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border, where she also provides humanitarian support to people on the move.
Her project aims to map the Polish-Belarusian border area to highlight the ongoing humanitarian-border crisis and the processes of exclusion occurring there.
- Magdalena Klarenbach:
Magdalena is a passionate sociologist and environmental activist with over 10 years of experience in education and global advocacy. She is the founder and board member of the Open Plan Foundation, an environmental NGO aimed at catalyzing measurable progress towards a more sustainable future.
Her project, the Memory Garden, serves as a channel to connect our earliest memories related to nature and climate. The goal is to critically examine whether these individual encounters have shaped our perception of the climate crisis, and if so, to what extent.
- Kinga Stańczuk:
Kinga is the vice-president of the School Without Borders Foundation and an educator specializing in civic and political education. Her interests include the history of education, migration policy, and critical pedagogy. At the School Without Borders Foundation, she is responsible for strategic development, designing, and implementing educational programs.
Her project enables a group of young migrants from Afghanistan to develop their own educational tool based on an immersive, carefully designed experience of intercultural education and comparative history.