Landecker Fellow Laura Westring is a professional speech writer. In her recent Opinion Piece published by The Scotsman and titled “Scotland needs more young speechwriters,” she discusses why Scotland should consider “investing in the next generation and the future tradition of speech writing.”
Laura explains how “young people, women and people of minority background” are statistically less likely to get a speechwriting job, as “they are less likely to be in roles close to political or corporate leadership.”
With Scotland having the most diverse parliament to date, Laura then presents the important question: “Who do we want to write the stirring evocations of our future?“.
Read Laura’s Opinion Piece in full here.
Laura is one of thirty Landecker Democracy Fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.