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Striving towards educational justice: Getting to know Janina Lehmann



In our newest article of the “Getting to Know” series, we are honored to introduce Janina Lehmann, the Lead of Administration and Organizational Management for the Berlin Team!

While the title is new for Janina, she certainly isn’t new to the Humanity in Action community. For the past three years, Janina has been involved with Humanity in Action Germany as a student part-time worker, helping predominantly with some back-office tasks as well as Fellowship trainings – which she would love to keep within her new role, too.

Janina will mostly focus on building new sustainable structures and processes for the organization.

In this new role, Janina will mostly focus on building new sustainable structures and processes for the organization. However, she is also looking forward to staying engaged with the Fellows. “I can’t wait for our next Action Academy,” Janina shared.

Janina is a born and raised Berliner. Already at the age of 16, she was awarded a scholarship to spend one high school year in Oregon, USA. “I enjoy my life in Berlin, but I also love to explore the world and learn as much as possible,” she explains.

Indeed, learning and education has become a large part of Janina’s life. From a very young age Janina has been interested in the political history of Berlin. However, in 2015 it was the so-called ‘Refugee crisis’ in Europe that politicized Janina and motivated her to enroll in a university course. “I was also encouraged by my mom, who did not have the opportunity to study,” adds Janina, who recently became the first-generation university graduate in her family.

We have so many double standards in how people are valued.

Wanting to learn more about the injustices of our world, Janina decided to study Politics and Law, followed by International Affairs with a focus on Human Rights and Global Governance for her master’s degree. She mostly appreciated classes on Migration and Refugee Law, which helped her understand the structural injustices she has been witnessing around her. “We have so many double standards in how people are valued,” Janina asserts.

“I find it inspiring how the whole Humanity in Action community is trying to make this world more just.”

To become involved in the field of Human Rights and Social Justice, Janina joined Humanity in Action Germany. “I find it inspiring how the whole Humanity in Action community is trying to make this world more just,” she explains why she decided to join the organization as a long-term staff member.

Outside of her work with Humanity in Action, Janina is a former Chairwoman and now Board Member of Kreuzberger Kinderstiftung, an organization building educational justice and youth empowerment through scholarships and other programmings for underprivileged Germany-based youths.

Janina experienced first-hand the power of meaningful youth empowerment.

This organization supported my own year abroad,” Janina explains how she experienced first-hand the power of meaningful youth empowerment. “I am honored to now be able to give back and help the organization grow.

When not at the office or volunteering, Janina can be found growing vegetables in her own garden. “It’s my quiet space right here in the otherwise loud Berlin,” she laughs.

However, Janina also enjoys concerts and festivals. “I’ve been to four concerts in the last month,” she shares excitedly, noting she mostly looks for German rock, rap and hip-hop. “I love finding political references in the lyrics,” she explains, noting that she especially supports artists who are not afraid to use their platforms to advocate for a more just society.

Janina, all the best in your new role!