Humanity in Action is pleased to announce the new educational resources accompanying the short animated documentaries Two Trees in Jerusalem and My Father’s War, produced with the generous support of the Alfred Landecker Foundation:
- See the educational resources for Two Trees in Jerusalem
- See the educational resources for My Father’s War
As we push deeper into the 21st century, humanity faces an inflection point: the last survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust and the Second World War leave us, taking with them their personal memories of one of humanity’s darkest chapters.
Yet in the face of unfathomable horror, fleeting moments of bravery and generosity remind us of our capacity for courage and compassion. The Traces trilogy, which also includes the film Voices in the Void, brings three such histories to life and new audiences.
Humanity in Action is developing a collection of tools and resources to enrich the viewing experience of the films For Two Trees in Jerusalem and My Father’s War in classrooms and in non-formal educational settings.
The materials are designed to inspire educators working in a wide range of organizations and institutions to create engaging lesson plans adaptable to different national contexts, age groups and teaching goals.