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In the past several years, the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union (FRA) published a number of significant reports and survey results on discrimination toward vulnerable groups in Europe, including women, Roma, Jews and members of the LGBTQI+ community. The results of these surveys, deeply important in themselves, can provide an invaluable basis for pursuing concrete action to advance fundamental human rights in Europe.


Miman's Story Guide Cover

Through this grant competition, Humanity in Action sought to activate civic engagement to combat the FRA’s findings on discrimination and prejudice towards Roma and Jews.

The goal was to develop a series of innovative responses that work towards solutions, especially among younger generations, to the troubling trends of growing prejudice, intolerance and discrimination identified in the FRA surveys.

Humanity in Action selected eight projects that received funding under this grant. Please click on each project below to watch the video and learn about these diverse Senior Fellow-lead projects.

This grant competition was made possible by a generous grant from the Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future.

Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future