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2019 Grant Competition

Addressing Antisemitism in Germany, Poland, Ukraine, the United States and online.

Embedded in an increasingly powerful discourse driven by racism, xenophobia, nationalism and extremist views, recent incidents, data and reports show that Antisemitism is on the rise both in Europe and the United States. In fall 2019, we invited grant proposals from Senior Fellows for civil society projects that aim to counter Antisemitism within a broad range of issues that deeply impact our societies.

Photo by Jace & Afsoon on Unsplash

Stumbling Stones were laid in Thessaloniki by two Senior Fellows in 2017.

High Time to Act

The selected projects aim at providing information about historical and present-day forms of Antisemitism, prevention, creating meeting spaces between people with Jewish and non-Jewish identities, linking history and remembrance with the present, developing information and prevention campaigns (empowerment, awareness raising, story telling) as well as targeted resistance to Antisemitic statements or actions.

  • We invited Senior Fellows to submit project proposals by September 1, 2019.
  • Projects receive up to 5,000 Euro.
  • Germany, Poland, Ukraine and the United States are the focus as well as projects in the digital space that can have a broad impact.
  • Proposals could be submitted by Senior Fellows and partners from their own networks.

Due to generous support from the Foundation EVZ, we are in a position to invest 45,000 Euro for such projects. Humanity in Action currently supports the implementation of the project ideas.

Recipients of 2019 Grant Competition

Our Supporters

We thank the Foundation EVZ for their generous support of this project.

Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (Foundation EVZ)

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