Anders Jerichow is a senior correspondent at the daily Danish Newspaper Politiken, a columnist, a frequent commentator on international affairs, and an international media activist focusing on human rights and the Middle East. He has been an editor at Politiken since 2002 and also Editor-in-chief of the Copenhagen daily newspaper Aktuelt. Jerichow served as the Chair of Humanity in Action Denmark from 2011-2021.
Updated September 2022
More from Anders Jerichow
Mindeord: Udsæt aldrig, sagde Langebæk
Steen Langebæk, advokat og medlem af HIAs repræsentantskab, er død.
Pre-Genocide - Warnings and Readiness to Protect
An anthology of personal interpretations, by researchers and writers, about alarm bells and the readiness to protect prior to genocides. The essays in this volume focus on the 1930s before the Holocaust in Germany, Poland, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands and Denmark - as well as the years before the genocides in Armenia, Cambodia, Kurdistan, Rwanda and Bosnia.
Applications for Humanity in Action Denmark's October '43 Travel Grant 2019
The Humanity in Action Denmark’s October ‘43 Travel Grant 2019 is open for applications. The travel grant is dedicated to young students and professionals who work with issues regarding refugees and/or the protection of minorities in either the academic, social, political or practical field.
Applications for 2019 Teaching Academy are Open
Are you a teacher or studying to become a teacher? Would you like to learn more about the dilemmas and challenges teaching in a diverse classroom?
Oktober '43: Danske jøders flugt til Sverige eller deportation til Theresienstad
Oktober '43: Danske jøders flugt til Sverige eller deportation til Theresienstad contains many interviews that explore the political considerations and decisions of Germany, Denmark and Sweden, the rescue mission across the Øresund strait and Sweden’s reception of the refugees.
Introduction to Civil Society and the Holocaust: International Perspectives on Resistance and Rescue
Civil Society and the Holocaust: International Perspectives on Resistance and Rescue
In 2013, Humanity in Action Denmark held a conference in Copenhagen to mark the 70th anniversary of the flight and rescue of Danish Jewry. This book was published in association with the “October 1943” conference. The anthology examines how European societies dealt with the knowledge of the Nazi persecution of Jews in very different ways before, during and after the Holocaust.
The Educational Imperative
Minorities and Human Rights
Humanity in Action Denmark hosted an event with 25 young students from Flakkebjerg Boarding School to discuss issues of minority and human rights.
Pre-Genocide - Warnings and Readiness to Protect Conference
75th anniversary of the Flight of the Danish Jews, Humanity in Action Denmark hosted a commemoration of October '43.