Born and raised in the Netherlands, Annelie finished her high school at United World College in Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina. While living in this post-conflict society, she became interested in social justice, inclusive governance, (participatory) democracy, and human rights. Annelie studied World Politics at Leiden University College in The Hague. During her studies, she participated in the BKB Academy political masterclasses, the peace and justice program World Class The Hague, and the Humanity in Action Fellowship in Amsterdam. During her semester at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, she worked as a teacher assistant in the township Kayamandi. In the Netherlands, she volunteered as a language coach for the Dutch Council for Refugees and high school tutor for immigrant youth. As a Rule of Law and Peacebuilding intern at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, her work was aligned with the SDG 16+ agenda to “promote peaceful and inclusive societies.”
Updated May 2020
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