More from Kadijatou Diallo
Film Premiere Celebration with Senior Fellow Christina Antonakos-Wallace
George Floyd and the history of police brutality in America
Board Member John Shattuck and Senior Fellow Kadijatou Diallo discuss how the murder of George Floyd distills the United States' longstanding crisis on policing in the Boston Globe.
Thank you to our 2016 US Review and Admissions Committees
Humanity in Action received 513 applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year, as well as 165 applications for the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship.
Humanity in Action Senior Fellows Share Their Stories for Crossmedia Initiative on Inclusion and Belonging
Based in Berlin and New York, the cross-media and multilingual initiative Wings and Roots produces films, educational curricula, and online-platforms. The project centers the stories and perspectives of young people in its quest to dismantle racism and to foster more inclusive societies. Several Humanity in Action Senior Fellows were interviewed for this initiative.