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Zeyneb (Zee) Kasmi


Zeyneb (Zee) Kasmi, second generation Dutch Arab, is a LL.M. graduate from Utrecht University. Her academic interests are multidisciplinary and revolve on the intersections of law and philosophy, democracy and global cooperation. In July 2019, she graduated with her LL.B. in International and European Law from The Hague University. During her undergraduate studies, Zeyneb participated in various moot court competitions and model United Nations (MUNs). One of them was the Nuremberg Moot Court where she was acknowledged as best speaker. Further, she participated in the Model United Nations in New York 2019, where their team received an Honourable Mention Delegation Award. During her graduate studies, Zeyneb represented Utrecht University at the Frits Kalshoven Competition and continued to practice her legal skills through an internship at the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security. 
Currently, Zeyneb is transitioning into entrepreneurial sectors. To Zeyneb entrepreneurship means creating value for herself and for others. This starts with education. A solid foundation can bring everyone to certain heights. Her aligned mission is to inspire leadership through non-formal education and to empower the next generation of citizens to pursue meaningful change in their communities. She is a firm believer of the power of storytelling. In her spare time, she enjoys long-distance runs, listening to educational podcasts and writing poetry and short stories. 
As an Action Project, Zeyneb developed the audiodocumentary ‘Framing’. The first episode addresses the impact of the colonial past and the second episode deals with the court case against the military police for ethnic profiling. Recently Zeyneb launched episode 3: Institutional solutions for an institutional problem. Read more about this Action Project here.

Updated April 2022